Different League / Admiral
Agency: Heimat Wien Production House: Armada PLUS
Roman has shot over 250 commercials & counting. He is an artist pursuing the spinning nucleus in every story. He approaches projects with sophisticated creativity and brings a gripping atmosphere into their narrative. His cinematic visual style, subtle working with actors (which he loves to confuse to get the best out of them) and the intrigue incorporation of post production, made him to one of the most interesting directors on the market nowadays.
His global list of work has received numerous international awards and nominations (NY Festivals, Epica, Cannes shortlist, Cresta, LIA finalist, etc…) for various international clients and agencies (such as: Saatchi & Saatchi London, Herezie France, &Co and McCann Denmark, FamousGrey Belgium, Y&R Germany, DDB Europe, etc…)
Max Sport
Zlaty Bazant
Knauf Insulation
Agency: Heimat Wien Production House: Armada PLUS
Agency: Heimat Wien Production House: Armada Films
Agency: PS:Digital Production House: Hitchhiker Films
Agency: Wiktor Leo Burnett Production House: Hitchhiker Films
Agency: Made by Vaculik Production House: Hitchhiker Films
Agency: Mullen Lowe GGK Slovakia Production House: Alien Studio
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi London Production House: Saatchi & Saatchi London
Agency: Scholz & Friends Prague Production House: Armada Films